Why I Walked Away From Instagram

Now I’m not usually one to tell people what they should or should not do in the social media world. I mean, I’m just a guy sitting in his garage/office in Longview, WA for the sake of Pete.

But recently I’ve taken a step back from the Instagram, and let me tell you why.

I used Instagram quiet a bit, and I took more selfies than a man in his thirties should. But I would always share my pictures to Facebook and Twitter as well. And most of my interaction on aforementioned photos came on Facebook.

If all my interaction is on Facebook, I thought, then why not just post the pictures on Facebook and cut out the middle man.

I also looked at the difference between posting a picture to Twitter and sharing your Instagram pictures on Twitter, you tell me which one you think shows up in the feed looking nicer:

From Instagram:

Instagram on Twitter

Picture posted on Twitter:

Selfie With A Cow

So why waste time posting a link that most people will not click on?

I’ve found in the last week that Facebook, Twitter and G+ all have filters, effects and the like that you can add to your photos when posting. So unless you need Kelvin, you should be OK.

So now I’m sharing my pictures, sometimes in multiple places. But having one less social media outlet that I’m concerned about. I have Facebook for friends and family, Twitter for folks in the church media/youth ministry world connections and G+ because Google pretty much owns the world.

Do you love Instagram? What would keep you posting their instead of focusing on other channels?

2 thoughts on “Why I Walked Away From Instagram

  1. Well, I don’t do selfies, but I like Instagram for my food uploads and some travel. I can also post directly to flickr from Instagram ‘s upload.

What do you think?